Key to better listening comprehension
Today, I'd like to share 3 keys with you to better your listening comprehension with native speakers. Let's look what these 3 keys are : Key 1 : Understand what makes native speakers hard to understand - Why are they hard to understand ? The great number of vowels and diphthongs in English. Some of them are very similar to each other and by changing the vowels sound, the meaning changes and it becomes a big challenge if those vowels doesn't exist in your own language. - Understand minimal pais (same constants - different vowels) : Boat-Bought ; Mad-Mud ; Hurt-Heart ; Men-Main ; Than-Then ; Bit-Bet ; Live-Leave ... Notice that the only difference is the vowel or the diphthong and they can be very similar, so, in connected speech, it's not easy at all to distinguish between these kinds of words. - Understand the way that native speakers shorten and link sounds Let's give you a quick example : "How is it going ?". It's a classic phr...