Tangible Things

The tangible things I have now are pencils, pens, books, bottles of water, cups, glasses, and more. In response to the question, I have selected a pen as a tangible thing. One fact is that most people tend to look at the surface of an object without looking deeply into it. Photo: https://www.chopard.com/intl/accessories/pens This is not only a pen but a symbol of leadership, especially in the business context. A pen might be viewed as a symbol of business leadership as we commonly see businesspeople using their pen to sign documents, write something down, take note of something, and even teach something to someone. In the eyes of people in all well-paid professions, a pen might be viewed as a symbol of trust since all important documents, letters, emails, and other finance-related papers need to be signed using a pen. In the category of technology, a pen might be viewed as a sign of its technological advance since it is associated with technological devices such as iPa...