Is this in your need? It may help you to understand about research terms and the definition of research words. Is too long to wait for the Sirinan's test? We cannot do anything except expectation.I hope all of us can await it for a while. Looking the good side is that we will have more time to go to practice meditation at Mahathat monastery and writing a research proposal for proposing it in April. Hopefully that good news will come sooner or later. Have a wonderful holiday. Can anyone translate this thesis title into English properly? This title belongs to Phra Veerayut, he is studying in MA (Buddhist Psychology) 25/03/2014 12.24 PM INFORMATION A significant message from Ajahn Veerakarn, "all of you have to propose a research proposal to thesis committee in May (Not April) so now all of you MUST write a research proposal and preparing the data for your thesis. It must be finished before May." That's what he said to me by cell phone. Hop...