A Collection of My Posts in My MA Closed Group (between March - December 2014)

Is this in your need? It may help you to understand about research terms and the definition of research words.

Is too long to wait for the Sirinan's test? We cannot do anything except expectation.I hope all of us can await it for a while. Looking the good side is that we will have more time to go to practice meditation at Mahathat monastery and writing a research proposal for proposing it in April. Hopefully that good news will come sooner or later.
Have a wonderful holiday.

Can anyone translate this thesis title into English properly? This title belongs to Phra Veerayut, he is studying in MA (Buddhist Psychology)


12.24 PM

A significant message from Ajahn Veerakarn,
"all of you have to propose a research proposal to thesis committee in May (Not April) so now all of you MUST write a research proposal and preparing the data for your thesis. It must be finished before May."
That's what he said to me by cell phone. Hope all of us can reach it on time.
Have a nice vocation


18.41 PM

Today afternoon, Ajahn Veerakarn took a call to me and told me a good news about the job in MCU. He said that now there are three vacancies of English teaching in our faculty because some of our teachers in English program are going to be retired soon namely Ajahn Nirus, Ajahn Preecha, Ajahn Thanong (Passed away) and so on. The most important thing is we must finish thesis on time which he needs three of us to be as English teacher. Are you interested in this good news?
About doing thesis

Now, he needs us to do a research proposal first and then we must wait for the day of research proposal test in May. He will tell us about the date and the time later. After testing research proposal, he might want to follow up our research progress every week which he needs us to go to the university for one day a week, aiming for supervising our research work. 

All things come from Ajahn Veerakarn's mouth.

See you all in the morning if you intend to do meditation tomorrow at Wat Phramaha.

Why is this group so silent?  What are you doing during the long holidays? Happy Songkran day to all ! I think It is not too late to say. Wish all of us have a great success in our MA study.

Remaining 4 days for my meditation practice. It will be going to complete soon. Everything will be easy when the meditation practice finishes. The core reason why we have to finish meditation practice before May is that we can fully point out doing thesis without any worry of meditation practice. How many of us are practicing meditation? How many days did you earn? try to arrange yourself before the tough work begins in May.
KEY POINT: : Don't forget to write up your dissertation proposal and it must be finished early. It shouldn't use a lot of time to write or MUST do it completely within the first week of May because we have to test it after the university opens.

3 May, 2014

The latest information of thesis proposal test: Ajahn Veerakarn has told about the date of thesis proposal test to Ven. Nikron that it will officially be testing on 20th of May (2014). He repeatedly said that he would very much like to see some of us attain MA degree within 2 years in accordance with the rule of our program. If all of us cannot finish in time, it may be a big trouble of our program including our MA junior students. Therefore, he needs us to succeed in MA degree at least three students of our class must be hard trying to finish the MA for maintaining our program and creating an inspiration to all our junior students who're studying.

Any question? Let us know below this post
Thank you for understanding
Have a wonderful holiday!

How many of us are ready for the research proposal test on 20th of May 2014? Let me know in my comment box below.  I just found a good link that will give you a lot of benefits of how to pass the research proposal test fluently and what you have to be well prepared for testing. I think everyone can read Thai very well. Let's have a read via this link:

This is my front cover and back cover of thesis proposal. Don't forget that tomorrow is our research proposal test. I hope you are very well prepared for your test. Good luck for the test! Hope to see you all tomorrow there 

Just finished planning on searching for research books at the main library of Kasetsart university with Nikorn on Facebook. We very much intend to go there after passing the day of research proposal test. The problem now is that we still don't know about the day of our research test, but we must be well-prepared for data collection in advance by online searching for your related books, titles, topics on direct website of Kasetsart university then you print it out before we go there. It would be very good if we go there together by taxi so I crave to know that how many of us need to go with me and Nikorn. Please inform your attention by identifying your name below if you want.

31 May, 2014

23.31 pm

Tomorrow, I will be giving a ring to Ajahn Veerakarn in order to ask about the certain day of research proposal test. It seems very late for our research proposal test. Now, it's quickly moving on to the new month after the midnight of today. Could you tell me about your progress of research proposal? Which part of research proposal you're working on? Is it nearly complete? I'm much worrying about our theses because I saw many of us seemed to be lost the self-confidence and self-determination to keep working on the tough work as research work. Anyway, I sill have hope to see every friend getting a success as everyone has set a hope in the beginning of the first term of MA in English. Hopefully that it will be moving on until we reach the finish line.

Every Sunday after starting the new term of MCU: Ajahn Veerakarn does want to open our ex-classroom for giving us the chance to discuss the point of research methodology together in the afternoon.

Have a good night to everyone

Time and Date changed: Ajahn Veerakarn has required us to participate in the ceremony of welcoming the new MA students in our English program and also give a speech to them for building inspiration and motivation on Sunday morning 15th of June. Thanks for cooperation! 

This is my introductory PowerPoint of MA in English that I will take it to introduce on this upcoming Sunday. Please, renew/design the form of Powerpoint. Thank you

Breaking news: I have made an appointment with our current MA junior students to plan on the MA new students welcoming ceremony at MCU Wat Srisudaram tomorrow afternoon (11 June, 2014). Please show our great cooperation in tomorrow's meeting. Looking forward to meeting all there. Thank you in advance!

Here are more photos from today's meeting of the upcoming Sunday's orientation ceremony with my current MA junior students at Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok. A special thank you to all my classmates who joined in this meeting for your great cooperation.

Today, there were five classmates and ten junior students joining the meeting together to plan on the upcoming orientation ceremony of our new MA junior students who are coming to study in MA English program. From the meeting, there were a lot of important things to do together, let me conclude all we've consulted with them in short as the following:
1. Everyone must pay 100 baht in order to support our orientation activity and provide some drinks to serve them on this upcoming Sunday afternoon.
2. We have to select our two classmates who are ready to be as masters of ceremony in the afternoon of Sunday orientation activity which it will be taking place in the classroom no. 341.
3. I will be responsible for guiding the course of MA in English by using PowerPoint slides. It will take about 30-40 minutes.
4. We all must go to arrange the place on 14th Saturday morning, June 2014 (Classroom no.341) for welcoming the new MA students and making orientation activity to welcome them on Sunday afternoon.
All these things will be held in the classroom no.341 after finishing the official opening orientation ceremony by Phra Srikhamphirayanna, who is the president of opening ceremony inside the meeting hall of MCU Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok.

This's how to be perfect at public speaking. Prepare yourself how to speak English with confidence. I hope this may help us to speak English confidently in this Sunday's event. 

My paper drafted completely for Sunday orientation ceremony. What do you think? Let's take a look what I will talk on Sunday morning. Any suggestions? Please feel free to recommend me in comment box below. Thank you

This is a selection of the best photos of our current MA junior students sent by Phra Surasak Dhammatejo. Hi, Phra Kornkham Aggasena You can select some photos from this album to put into my Powerpoint slides. Please, help me! Thank you for your Metta.

14 June, 214 

20:40 PM

As we all know that tomorrow is the day of orientation 2014 which will be going to hold in the classroom 341, it's on the 4th floor of classroom building, MCU Watsrisudaram, Bangkok. Official orientation ceremony will be starting from 09.00 am onwards. Please! go there on time for participating in this ceremony in particular our orientation activities in the afternoon. Thanks for the cooperation in advance.

This is my official PowerPoint slides for describing the MA course guidance tomorrow. A special thank you to Ven Kornkham Aggasena for your help of renewing the form of my Powerpoint slides.

A special thank you to my classmates ( Ven Nawkham Narada, Kornkham Aggasena, Yujiro Hanma, Tai Kengtung, ณัฐกานต์ เพียงลำพัง, Oshi Watanabe ) who attended the orientation activities today. What a day it was!

D/M/Y: 16 June, 2014

Time: 10: 20 AM

Yesterday after finishing orientation activities for new students, Ajahn Veerakarn told me about the dates of our research proposal test, he said it will be taking place on around 28th-29th June (2014). I hopefully that all of us are ready for the upcoming test in the late of June. Best of luck!
Have a nice weekend!

25 June, 2014

Dear, all great friends

I just got a good news about orientation day of all the MCU graduate students of all faculties of MCU from Phra Surasak Dhammatejo, he informed that orientation day will be held on 29th June (2014) at the main meeting hall of MCU Wangnoi, Ayutthaya. Of course, we must get there in order to attend this upcoming event altogether. About the TIME, orientation ceremony will start from 9.30 AM onwards. Don't miss it (If you're free). Thank you for your well-cooperation in advance.
27 June, 2014
Dear, friends

I was very much surprised after receiving a call from Templeboy Templeboy who lives in the faraway land (Cambodia) today afternoon. His voice looked very good. A short phone conversation: He gave me a ring to ask me about the day of our research proposal test. I answered all questions he had asked. Moreover, he told me that "I will fly to Bangkok tomorrow and I will arrive in Bangkok on Sunday."  Then I wished him a safe trip to Bangkok. See you soon.

Everything you can review from this latest thesis book (unsure) of MCU. All things we've consulted with Ajahn Jeerasak today are in this book.

This is my linguistic friend's thesis proposal (Phramaha Santirat Yanasanti, who completed Pali grade IX while he was a novice). So you can look at the form of thesis proposal in several parts such as biography, temporary content, and so on.

First off, I appreciate your call today evening. A little bit sad that I didn't receive your call when you phoned me. Anyway, I finally phoned you back. If you go to MCU Wangnoi tomorrow, I would like you to directly ask Ajahn Jeerasak about the day of research proposal test. Please inform us what he answers to you about that after you comeback from MCU. Thank you in advance.

A great English channel you should go to subscribe her channel for getting more English lesson videos. 
Dear, my classmates

Happy 3-Month Rainy Retreat to Everyone! 

According to Ajahn Veerakarn's suggestion on research proposal, he suggested that we must be going to MCU Wat Srisudaram on Sunday 20th July to meet him and Ajahn Jeerasak to concentrate at complementing and completing our research proposals after a 1-month late run.
TIME: 12.01 pm -13.00 pm-- we must be there (MCU Wat Sri)


Thank you  Peace out!
Have a nice weekend!
On behalf of all MA students, I would very much like to wish Ajahn Will Yaryan a Happy 75th Birthday. Be happy, healthy, wealthy, and sustainable in your English teaching at MCU. I truly appreciate you for helping MCU students a lot to be perfect at English skills.On behalf of all MA students, I would very much like to wish Ajahn Will Yaryan a Happy 75th Birthday. Be happy, healthy, wealthy, and sustainable in your English teaching at MCU. I truly appreciate you for helping MCU students a lot to be perfect at English skills.On behalf of all MA students, I would very much like to wish Ajahn Will Yaryan a Happy 75th Birthday. Be happy, healthy, wealthy, and sustainable in your English teaching at MCU. I truly appreciate you for helping MCU students a lot to be perfect at English skills."Stay hungry, stay foolish""Stay hungry, stay foolish"
20 July, 2014

Congratulations to the four classmates who have already been passed the first step of submitting research proposal and getting official approval from thesis supervisors. I hopefully that all will be passing the next step of research proposal test. BEST of luck for the upcoming challenge.!!!! Don't give up!

27 July, 2014

Today afternoon, I went to MCU Wat Srisudaram to intentionally catch up with Ajahn Jeerasak to directly question him about our thesis proposal test and some useful tips of thesis proposal test. He said "I handed in a document of appointing thesis supervisory committee to MCU graduate school..., now waiting for official approval and confirmation. Because of this step, the test'll probably take place in next month". 2 Photos below: I've made a copy of 188-page handbook for all MCU graduates. Surely, it's borrowable from Ajahn Jeerasak.

Update! Good things that we have to be well-prepared are as the following:

1. To do individual Powerpoint slides for thesis proposal presentation in short on the upcoming day of thesis proposal test.
2. To lend a how-to-do-thesis handbook from our faculty of humanities and then make a copy of 188-page handbook for assisting you to do thesis easier.
3. To collect data based on your thesis title in advance in order to quickly start doing it after passing the test.
What else we should be well-prepared in advance? Please feel free to comment below. Thank you
8 August, 2014
Dear, all friends
I've just given a ring to Ajahn Jee to ask him the information of the day of thesis proposal test. The answers he gave to me are unchanged from several times that I made a call to him.
TWO answers are:
1. The test will surely begin within this month. So, you have to wait for the day of thesis proposal test.
2. You have to pay around 3,000 THB for thesis supervisory committee.
Furthermore, for some of us who still don't pay for credit fee, you have to pay for it too.
Have a good weekend!

This's my thesis proposal PowerPoint slides. Surely, It'll benefit me for my thesis proposal presentation. Usefully, I posted it down here because some of us need to see as an example of doing PowerPoint slides for presenting.
Don't forget to share your PowerPoint slides with us in this wonderful group. I'm looking forward to seeing your slides. Don't do it better than my slides 5555 (Just kidding guys).
Please go to participate in this coming event if you're free in between 26th - 27th August, 2014.

3 September, 2014
Hi, all friends. I hope you're very well now. Let me inform you about fee payments before the day of thesis proposal test takes place. According to Ajahn Veerakarn, you have to pay for fee at least 3,000 THB per person for thesis supervisory committee at the faculty of humanities, Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok before Saturday 6th of September, 2014. The test will surely be able to take place in scheduled time, if you pay for it completely. 
Are you ready for thesis proposal test? I would love to see all of us easily pass this talented job...until we finish. What makes you uneasy for the upcoming test? Please open the mind to talk with each other below.

To Phra Natthaphong Kittisobhano, Mr. Oshi Watanabe, and Mr. Chumno Vichika: We're always missing you. If possible, you should be back with confident to strive for our ultimate goal in M.A. in English. Always waiting for you all at the same place.

Hello, my wonderful classmates

Here is my conversation with Ajahn Will Yaryan who's one of thesis supervisory committee. Please read what it's all about. รบกวนส่งไฟล์โครงร่างของท่านไปให้ อ.วิลเลี่ยมอ่านด้วย ส่งทางเมล์ drwillajahn@gmail.com

Will Yaryan:

My student: Dr. Veerakarn has asked me to be an adviser to MA English students and to participate in the thesis supervisory committee meeting this Sunday at 1 pm. Unfortunately this means I cannot teach my afternoon class. Can you tell me more about this meeting on Sunday? Dr. William

Beboy Manyou:

Hello, my Ajahn Will. As I know, it's thesis proposal test of MA English students that's going to take place on Sunday. Ajahn Veerakarn told me that you're one of the thesis supervisory committee and to be responsible for proctoring thesis proposal test as well. Unluckily, I have not got any schedule from faculty of humanities. So, I don't really know about the time of thesis proposal test (in the Sunday afternoon?) and what I should prepare for it. Now, I'm waiting for a message from a MCU staff to let me know about that in my MA English group.

Beboy Manyou:

I'll make it clear after his message.

Beboy Manyou:

Now, there are only five MA English students who completed thesis proposals and ready for upcoming Sunday thesis proposal test.

Will Yaryan:

Yes, he asked me to be on committee but I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

He said 1 p.m. I said OK this time but I cannot miss any more Sunday afternoon classes. 6 more weeks.
Beboy Manyou:

Oh, I see Ajahn. As I know, each student must present his own proposal test in front of committee. If something he explains unclear about his thesis proposal, that's available to question him freely. Main points: 1. To check up on clarification / correctness of his thesis proposal and guide him. 2. Questioning some points that're unclear about his thesis proposal presentation. 3. To give some tips of research methodology and other points concerning research.

Will Yaryan:

I wonder if other members of the committee have read the proposals?

Beboy Manyou:

It sounds like that.

Will Yaryan

It may be hard for me to ask questions without reading the proposals.

But I will do my best!
Beboy Manyou

I went to MCu Wat Sri a few days ago, Ajahn Jeerasak (MCU staff) told me that he handed all five thesis proposals of ours to all members of the committee.

Will Yaryan

Well, he wasn't there on Sunday when Dr. Veerakarn asked me to be on the committee, and he didn't say anything when I saw him at Wangnoi. It was only on the bus last night that Dr. V asked me to come to the Sunday meeting.

Beboy Manyou

Anyway, I feel very lucky to have Ajahn in this upcoming test of mine.

Will Yaryan

I hope so!

This is what outside university students do when their teachers are poor in terms of grading, teaching, and other general responsibilities concerning students. 

I think this would help us a lot about how to be well-prepared for thesis proposal test. This is from University of Alberta. 

Here're some parts of coversation between me and Ajahn Will.
Beboy Manyou: Actually, Ajahn V has read all proposals from our early sending to his email because he's also thesis supervisor. But of course, he hasn't seen our real proposals that we printed out as full thesis proposals.
Ajahn Will: That's good. So he knows all your ideas and plans. The printed proposal is a formality. I spent six months getting my doctoral dissertation to look correct! 
Ajahn Will: I can have no opinion about the form of the proposal since I do not know the rules for how it should look. 
Ajahn Will: Some footnotes look a bit incorrect to me. They should be consistent according to some standard. 
Beboy: Can you name it? Who? 

All those proposals we took almost 5 months to do/correct since we finished the final term of MA .

Even it's the uphill work for us to do. But we never back down!
Actually, my classmates has more than 10. But now, it's 5.
Edited: my classmates have..

Ajahn Will: Only 5 left? Oh, sad! 
Ajahn Will: There are different footnote standards and I'm sure they can be found online. 
Beboy: The first term: around 30 students / the second term: 19 students /the last term: 13 students / Now: 5 students.
Ajahn Will:Titles of books and journals are usually in italic or underlined, articles in quotes. Date goes differently places depending on style used.

Why did students quit? 
Here's one footnote guide but there are many. You just have to choose one and stick to it. http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/…/using-sources/documentation 
Maybe the students already know this นิสิตบางท่านอาจจะรู้แล้ว
Beboy: 1. Lots of difficult subjects and lots of strict teachers. 2. Laziness 3. thesis because they lost a lot of confident in terms of academic writing.
Thesis is hard anyway, but harder in 2nd language ;(

Thank you so much, Ajahn. 

Ajahn Will: My pleasure ด้วยความยินดี
Beboy: How did you feel after reading those proposals?
Ajahn Will: Better with ice cream 
Beboy: hahahaAjahn is very active teacher.

Ok Ajahn, I'm afraid I will disturb your time.

Ajahn Will: No, I was eating and reading 
Ajahn Will: I'm impressed by all the research the students have done. This is hard work. 
The problem should not be too big for an MA thesis. Some problems require a book. 
But I think there is much good thinking in these 5 proposals.
I'm less worried about grammar mistakes than I am in understanding the problem(s) and solutions proposed in the thesis. 
In the 1st sections, often the purpose of the background is confusing because the problem has not yet been identified, 
These comments are out of order because of wifi problems, but I hope you can understand me.
Beboy: I'm lucky to get some good comments from you. Yes, I can.

Many congratulations to me and all my skilled classmates who have done the best for the test today. We've already attained the first step of thesis proposal test. The next step that we're going to do is to edit as you've got some recommendations from all members of the TS committee including submitting to the faculty of humanities, MCU Wat Sri within 30 days for official thesis title approval. I've just got back from MCU Wat Sri at around 21.30 pm.  A special thanks to all members of the committee (especially Ajahn Will Yaryan) for the recommendations!

Day 1 passed & 29 days left: Which part of thesis proposal are you editing? Maybe some of us can look at Phra Natthaphong Kittisobhano's thesis proposal as an example. The same thing we did it wrong is writing FOOTNOTE. Definitely, you must follow the MCU style. It would not be difficult if you have a MCU graduate guidebook (An introduction for thesis/dissertation).

To all my kind classmates, (vee.veerakarn@gmail.com) this is Ajahn Veerakarn's new email after his old email was out of order (ใช้งานไม่ได้) due to virus problems.
We will walk together: From now on, I intent to go to MCU Wat Sri in every Sunday afternoon for my revised thesis proposal. Actually, I would like everyone to join together in order to meet our advisers for suggestions. In part of exchanging knowledge, thesis discussion, and giving opinions, we should perform them to each other in every Sunday afternoon there. What do you think?

What are you up to? How many days do we have to complement our proposals? Today is on 25th Thursday.

In English: Let's get to listen to our rector's speech in front of the crowd of different religious leaders on the 1st interfaith dialogue on religious tolerance.

28 September, 2014

Dear, my classmates

I went to MCU Wat Srisudaram to specially talk over thesis with Ajahn Veerakarn, Ajahn Suriya, and Ajahn Jeerasak today late afternoon. Certainly, I have some news to inform you all as the following:
1. We must finish editing final proposals early, not over the 10th of October, 2014. Please keep your time.
2. After completing & checking it, you have to print it out and send it directly to your advisers for checking all about your proposal before passing it on to Phramaha Sombun Wutthikaro for the second time checking.
3. Whenever your advisers say "OK" and Phramaha Sombun Wutthikaro says "OK" after checking. You can progress to print it out and bind it up for your official final sending to humanities faculty, MCU Wat Sri.
4. Now Ajahn Veerakarn is searching for a nice room, aiming for thesis progress report, exchanging knowledge, and sharing tips with each other at MCU Wat Srisudaram. I'll let you know about this again.
5. FB Group participation is very important to us because we want to walk together. So we have to help to each other until we reach the destination. To be honest, our friends have different levels of English skills. Some are good. Some are not good. That's why I need everyone to take part in group participation. I think at the moment there is no one perfect at all. It would be perfect if we unite.
Best wishes,

Who will be going to MCU Wat Sri this Sunday? See me there! I will be heading there to send my printed proposal to my advisers for checking. If possible I would like to ask for a room to share/discuss about thesis together at least 1 time per week.

Dear, all friends

5 October, 2014

Today, I spent my time to meet my advisers in the office of humanities faculty, MCU Wat Srisudaram, aiming to speak about our final proposals sending in the upcoming week. In short summary, all of you must gather and send them next Sunday 12th at MCU Wat Srisudaram, Ajahn Veerakarn said.

It means that the deadline of final proposals sending is Sunday 12th, October 2014. For students who are not ready to send proposals next Sunday, you may not pass or you may probably re-test your proposal in November 2014. I hope we can finish proposals on time. Thank you for reading my post!

Any questions?
Beboy Manyou

Are my classmates 100 percent ready for this Sunday?  Check it again and again >> Send it to your advisers' emails >> make it perfect >> re-check it >> print out it >> bind up it >> take it to submit this Sunday.
"Winners never quit, quitters never win."

12 Oct, 2014
Dear, friends
As I told you in the office of faculty of humanities today, our chairperson Phramaha Sombun Wuttikaro will be free to meet us this Tuesday morning (14 Oct,2014). Please mark it on your calendar.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to say "congratulations" to six of us on the final thesis proposals sending which it well passed.
See you!

Officially passed: Many congratulations to the hard-trying classmates who accomplished thesis proposals approved by our chairperson today. I heard some of us are paying a visit to families in native countries very soon. May the Buddha bless you.
On behalf of all MA students, I would like to specially thank all kind advisers for help.

Dear, my mates
As I often told you about finding an empty room for reporting our theses progress, Ajahn Veerakarn phoned me and told me about this just now that it will be ready in November 2014.
Moreover, I told him about our yesterday's good news, then he said "I am very happy and welcome to hear all of you passed the uphill work as thesis proposals you've done ."
THIS SUNDAY 19TH: I and Phra Nawseng will be heading there for sure. For me, I'll be leaving the temple in early Sunday afternoon. See you there if you go!
Good luck!

Time: 16:50 PM

Informant: Beboy Manyou
I've just got back from Wat Sri. Today, I met Phra A Natta Agga there. We had the same purpose to catch up with our advisers and talk about thesis. Certainly, I would like to conclude two key things that we've talked with Ajahn Veerakarn today. Let's take a read below!
Two things to let you know as the follows:
1. Thesis progress report will be taking place every Saturday morning throughout the four months, starting from November to February 2015 at MCU Wat Sri, Bangkok.
2. Everyone has to prepare yourself for thesis progress report (Chapter one) ahead of the first Saturday morning of November 2014, which's going to hold at MCU Wat Sri, Bangkok.
Good luck for your great work!
Any questions?

Let's take a look back at one of the golden moments on our past day of thesis proposal test at MCU Wat Srisudaram. Thank you, P.Sak for giving us moral support. Photo by Ven Nawkham Narada

It's almost five days that I got completely away from informing our big event in November 2014. It's nothing change from my latest information. Now we must stay focused on completing chapter one... and preparing for reporting your work in next week of November 2014. Keep fighting!

4 days to go! Let us count down to the day of our first thesis progress report on Saturday 1st of November 2014 at MCU Wat Sri. I hope you can do it the best for a beautiful success on thesis progress report. Keep Fighting!


13:30 pm

There are two events to inform all as the follows:

A few minutes ago, I talked on the phone with Ajahn Veerakarn about our upcoming thesis progress report. In fact, the day of thesis progress report we had formally agreed to hold was Saturday morning, but now it is cancelled. Ajahn Veerakarn needed to postpone the day from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon (2 November, 2014). It means we have to go there in Sunday afternoon.


Another event he talked to me is about the upcoming annual meditation retreat, which it will be holding in November at MCU Wang noi. Sure, he desires some of us who can spend time and give a hand to MCU, to help in terms of instructing meditation to MCU international undergraduates playing a role as a meditation teacher in between 7th - 17th November, 2014. Please send your personal information to Ajahn Veerakarn's email before November starts if you're interested in this challenging event.

Any questions? Let me know in comment box below.
Thank you for following my updates.
Thesis progress report doesn't mean that you must have to complete the chapters one, two, three, four, or five, but it means you have to report what you have been working on it after thesis proposal approved.

Welcome back to Bangkok, A Natta Agga! I hope I can meet you for sure on 16 November, 2014 at MCU Wat Sri. Don't forget to prepare yourself for chapter one progress report. Best of luck!

Happy Loi Kra Thong Day to all in this group! Is your temple located near the river, canal, or pond? Does your temple provide Kra Thong day activities for kids? Please enjoy it!

I think this link is absolutely helpful for us to describe graphs and charts especially chapter four. Certainly, we have to show the data in form of graphs or charts and then we must describe it. Therefore, this link is our helper. 

Let's take a look at our Dhamma friends' class, (the speaker) he is the same level as us so he should be a good example of our English speaking. It's always great when you can speak your second language. Be confident!

This is my chapter one in full version. I would like everyone to share your own chapter with each other in this group in order to be a good example for all of us.

3 days to go! Our thesis progress report in week 2 is coming up this Sunday. I see how hard it is to attain Chapter 1 and present it in the class this Sunday. Anyway, I do believe all of us can do the best for the impressive result in the end of MA study. Keep going! If there is something that you still get confused about Chapter 1, you can let all of us know in this group. Everyone wants to give a hand and give moral support (ให้กำลังใจ) to you.  Thank you!

I feel sad when I see lots of pictures taken in our old classroom because many of us couldn't bear with hard-learning class performance. Now, only 6 friends that're left in our generation. 

Class of 2014: This is a nice group photo of our junior students copied from their closed FB group. My purpose is that I would like all of us to remember them especially when you meet them at MCU, you can greet them without any doubt.

It's late a bit for check. I think all is ok. I don't have much time to check it seriously. I hope your advisers would help you a lot. Don't worry!

The Second Thesis Progress Report: I congratulate all of us who've done well in reporting thesis progress today. See you next week!

After passing the second thesis progress report yesterday, you must be well-prepared for what you want to report next seriously. For my next report, I will report my progress on Chapter 3. At the moment I'm preparing to collect the data from
 my group discussion in order to continue to write Chapter 4.
Good luck for your work
Have a good day!

Information Published: 19/11/2014
Recently, I've received a Dr. Veerakarn's call which he informed me that the day of thesis progress report has been postponed from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning, starting from 08.30 am to 11.30 am at MCU Wat Sri. Don't forget to mark it on your calendar to prevent your mistake. See you there soon!

I got this useful thesis manual of MCU in English from Ajahn Will yesterday. If you want to get this, you please talk with the IBSC office at MCU Wangnoi. Maybe you can print this out for your guidance. It's up to you.

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to convey my huge congratulations to my four classmates on the proud success of thesis progress report today. All went well for us. Please keep doing it and don't miss the coming class of thesis progress report next Sunday morning.
Have a good day!

My five research slides used for my thesis progress report today
For more details: www.slideshare.com

D/M/Y: 27/11/2014

Time: 16:15 pm

Hi, my classmates. I'm sorry for the lack of updates for about 3 days. firstly, I want to let you know about my attempt is that I'm going to catch up with Ajahn Thitawong in person this Saturday for my chapter 4 just the day before our Sunday morning class of thesis progress report. Secondly, I hope you can finish Chapter 1 before this Sunday. Best of luck for your work! Keep fighting!
Have a good day!

After we got a good result of thesis progress report in week 3 yesterday, I truly appreciate all of us who are putting a big boat forward to its port which is not so far from our sight. Huge congrats once again to Ven Nawkham Narada on Chapter 1, Phramaha Yujiro Hanma on Chapter 2, Phra Chakkraphun on Chapter 1, and Phra A Natta Agga on Chapter 1.
Keep walking!

4 Dec., 2014: The day before His Majesty the King's 87th birthday on Friday.

My thesis update: I've been trying to complete my writing about opinions, ideas, and suggestions on improving English reading skills through English newspapers given by professional people. This is a part of my Chapter Four. Which parts of your thesis have you been doing? Please tell us about your thesis progress below.


************ Today at MCU Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok

Ajahn Thitawong told me that he wants to see our thesis titles for seeking ways to help us about designing research tools and statistical method on Chapters 3 - 4. Now I have got 3 titles from P.M. Nikorn, P. Norseng, and P. Norkham.

P. Karn has not sent it to me in this group. Please send me your thesis title in this group before midnight.
************ Tomorrow morning class of thesis progress report at MCU Wat Srisudaram
I will be presenting about my results from interviewing people and questionnaire design used for data collection.
See you tomorrow morning there

Big Congratulations to all my classmates who have done well in reporting thesis progress today. We are proud to gradually progress to where we need to reach together. The goal is going to be beaten by our determination sooner or later. Keep it moving forward to the goal!

If your thesis title is related to the newspaper, you can let the Bangkok Post publishers know what information you want and allow them help you, especially news headlines, articles, and other materials.

Thesis progress report on 14 December, 2014
I've given Ajahn Dr. Veerakarn a ring this afternoon. In conversation with him around 15 minutes long, he said he needed to add more time on Sunday in order to open a good opportunity for our junior students to report their thesis proposal progress and thesis progress by adding Sunday afternoon hours. It means that we (senior students) have to join thesis-progress-report class both in Sunday morning and in Sunday afternoon with our junior students. More importantly, we have to play roles in expressing ideas, giving suggestions, and discussing points on thesis together. Our ideas and suggestions would be surely beneficial to them.
Have a good day!

In English: Are you ready for our week 6 of thesis progress report tomorrow morning? I have downloaded very good slides to use for my presentation as Ajahn Veerakarn asked me to talk about the procedures of each chapter with all of you yesterday. I'm sure that these slides give you the way of how to do a thesis correctly. Let's have a quick look at these slides in advance. See you there tomorrow morning

Again, congratulations to Phramaha Nikorn, and other classmates who engaged in the classroom today. Don't forget to remind that our long travel is not completely over. Keep fighting!

There is no class of thesis progress report this Sunday due to major Buddhist holiday. The class will return on 28th December, 2014. I hope all of you can finish what you want to before 28th December, 2014. Keep going and don't give up! Have a good holiday time

Two things to tell you:
1. There is no class of thesis progress report on the coming Sunday due to MCU meditation retreat 2014 at MCU Wangnoi, Ayutthaya. Our class will be back on 28th Dec.
2. Ajahn Montra's phone number is 0894880441. She would be your good helper in terms of questionnaire design, collecting the data, forming the activity for data collection, statistical method, and other issues on research work.

Hello, all my classmates
It is now entering to the year 2015. My question: How is your work going? Fortunately, you have two full days to finish some parts of thesis before Sunday 28th. Yesterday, I made a call to A Natta Agga and Ven Nawkham Narada, but no one received my call. I guessed you might be busy with thesis. Anyway, our class for thesis progress report is nearly coming. I hope you are ready for reporting thesis progress this Sunday. Cheers!
Have a good night!

Dear, my classmates
After nearly 1 week for the lack of thesis progress report since the class was necessarily cancelled, now it is going to open as usual tomorrow morning. For my thesis report tomorrow morning, I would like to report my complete chapter four with almost 15 pages to my advisers and you in class. Sure, portable computers are always necessary for us to use as a presentation tool. Then I think you MUST bring it along. Finally, I especially hope to see you all at the wonderful place, MCU Wat Srisudaram, tomorrow morning. Please get yourself ready for its Sunday morning class. 
Good luck!

This song would make you feel determined, doesn't it?. What are inspiring songs in English you want share with me?


First off, I want to say "Congratulations" to Phramaha Nikorn, the only one of all my classmates I met in the class today morning. For other classmates who missed the class today, you may be harder to succeed in what you want because it seems to me that your energy is running out. Anyway, I'm one of your classmates, who is ready to help you achieve the goal as much as I can. Please feel free to let me or Phramaha Nikorn know about that at any time. Don't keep quiet! Don't give up!



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