Eating in or Eating out ? Restaurant culture in England and Thailand

In England , Most of British people will go out to eat in a restaurant or a pub. Eating out is more popular in England. Sure that British people spent more on eating out in restaurants than on cooking for themselves. Which It seem that many British people are becoming increasingly interested in how good their food tastes, and also healthy good.
                                                 Eating out

However, I think that eating out can also be expensive. But most of British people like to go to a restaurant to eat because it’s comfortable and good tastes including serving good to consumer or customer. Most of British people often eat in a restaurant before they will go to do something like watching the movie at cinema or theatre , shopping , traveling ,etc.
                                                  Eating in

In Thailand, Most of Thai people don’t like to go to a restaurant to eat or eating out because It ‘s very expensive but some people like to go to a restaurant namely wealthy people , celebrity ,etc. Which in Thailand is different from England because most of Thai people are poor . Therefore, these people like to eating in more than eating out because  Thai culture like to eat at home with family and make a food by itself and The most important is rules of etiquette surrounding food and eating.
As in all cultures, there are many rules of etiquette surrounding food and eating, and nowhere is this more pronounced than when eating in a smart restaurant. People are almost always expected to eat with a knife and fork and these should be held in the correct hand and used in the correct way. It is also impolite to have your elbows on the dining table when you are eating.
There are many such ‘unspoken’ rules – they are normally only important when eating in a very posh restaurant, and vary slightly from restaurant to restaurant and place to place. But if you eat at home may be make you feel better go to eat out . For me , I like to eat at home more than go to a restaurant or eating out because It can save money and eating at home make me happy together with family.

Written by : Phra Thaweesak Chanpardit 5101203016 Class 1 English major , MCU



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