Sub: English Formulaic Writing

Phra Thaweesak Thannawaro
English Formulaic Writing Subject
ID Student: 5501403950
M.A. (Inter-program) MCU,
Bangkok, Thailand

Summary of text features
·        General Statement: A T.V. is a man made machine that works on electricity. The T.V. produces sound and images that you can turn on and off.

·        Description

Appearance: A T.V. is a cube made from wood and plastic, screens are made of glass, four legs on wheels, mechanical parts such as wires, buttons, and some have dials, remote control, aerial, and plug.

Types/sizes: A pocket T.V. (the smallest T.V.) and the largest T.V.

Uses: Show a variety of programs, changing channel, connecting to another machine, turning on and off, volume up and down, give information, news, entertainment and advertisement.
·        General nouns: Television, sound, image, screen, glass, button, channel, variety, movie, information, children,
·        Technical nouns: A man made machine
·        Action verbs: work, produce, turn off, adjust, are used for, plug into.
·        Relating verbs: is, are made, come with
·        Present tense: produces, is , have , come, are, show, give

Text cohesion
·        Repetition: A T.V.
·        Pronouns: It, some, there, they, which

·        How? : Other machines can be connected to T.V. like video, computers, and hi-fis. Programs like our world,  ask the Leyland Brothers and programs like that
·        When? : It doesn’t have any word that indicates of TIME.
·        Where?: inside T.V.s , on a stand, here in Sydney
·        Others:  -

How many? : Four legs, some, five channels
What type? : mechanical parts, news current affairs
What like? : very strong plastic
Others:  Children’s programs, a , an, that (determiner)

Summary of text features

·        General Statement: Helicopters are very different form airplanes. They can do three things that airplanes cannot do.

·        Description
Abilities to move: move upward, move forward, move straight up without moving ahead, fly backward, Helicopters can use their rotors to hover in the air. Take off without moving forward.

Uses: perform actions, be used in congested areas, fire fighting missions, be used in logging operation to lift trees out of forests. Be used as air ambulances to airlift patients out of difficult situation. To follow suspect, search for care on the ground.

·        General nouns: plane, mission, police, car, ground, military, capability
·        Technical nouns: helicopter, airplane, rotor, hover
·        Action verbs: do, move upward, move forward, move straight up, fly backward, hover, perform, take off,  drop water on fires, search for, lift, airlift
·        Relating verbs: are, is, have
·        Present tense: are, do,  move,  fly, is, perform, have

Text cohesion
·        Repetition: Helicopters, airplanes
·        Pronouns: they,  their, which

·        How? : Helicopters are used as air ambulances to airlift patients of situation which are difficult to reach by conventional ambulances.
·        When? : When airplanes move upward…
·        Where? :  congested areas, forests,  on the ground
·        Others: Because helicopters can… (Cause), because of (Cause).  (Role): Helicopters are used as air ambulances…
How many? : Three
What type? : Congested areas, fire fighting mission, air ambulances, conventional ambulances
What like? : Very different from…, they are used for different task, impossible, difficult.
Others:  The police use helicopters…. (Determiner)

Made by
Phra Thaweesak Thannawaro
English Formulaic Writing Subject
ID Student: 5501403950
M.A. (Inter-program) MCU,
Bangkok, Thailand



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