Life after Graduation

Life after MA graduation

Life after MA graduation

After having newly graduated Master of Arts Program in English (Inter-Program) from Mahachula Buddhist University, one of the two biggest Buddhist universities under the sponsor of the Thai kings in the Land of Smiles, I first looked back at my old school named "Srariang", where I used to spend three years finishing my highschool level, and also wanted to do something for the school. I later thought of repaying the school by teaching English, because I did nothing for the school during the aspirations for my BA and MA degrees. 

I was lecturing my novice students at Srariang Buddhist school on reading comprehension on Nov 7, 2015. 

With my intention of this, I was back to my old school in Nakhon Si Thammarat province to make what I intended to do for the school become true. When I first met with Srariang Buddhist school director Phra Kruphrommakhetkanarak, my ex-teacher, in his main office at Srariang Buddhist school, which is established inside the area of Srariang temple, he showed a sign of his desire of giving me a teaching position. To make my long story short,  I finally accepted to work as an English teacher, and then he handed in an unofficial timetable to me. The timetable showed English classes for Grade 7, 9 and 12 students requiring an English teacher to be responsible for in the first academic term 2015. Luckily, I came in time, so that I could fulfill its classes. Time really does fly! It has now come to the second week of the second term 2015 since the school kicked off on Nov 2, 2015. 

A Good News that I got while working at the school

While joyfully working at the school in August, I also got a good news from high-ranking Mahamakut Buddhist University administrators Phra Maha Thammaruth, Phra Maha Prathin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dejchart Trisap, who have kept following my study progress on my Facebook page since I became a university student, about English teaching job. I was happy to know that my MA study results interested them as I was the first-class student of Mahachula Buddhist University, and they surely wanted me to be an English lecturer at the university. Fortunately, my school director did not get in the way of my future profession at the university, he strongly agreed with me on being as an impermanent teacher at Mahamakut Buddhist University in order to have enough time for my working hours at the school. And he thanked me for being back with the intention of replaying the school by teaching English.

A group photo was taken after class at Mahamakut Buddhist University on 31 September, 2015.




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