10 Simple Rules for Students to Reach Goals

10 Rules for Students to Reach Goals, summed up from my experience

1. Must be on time - thinking about great students, they are always on time. 

2. Always question and engage in classroom activities - great students never let a chance of asking questions pass by. They always ask questions and engage in classroom activities.  New knowledge comes from questions, not from boring textbooks.

3. Review lessons and prepare for class in advance - lots of successful students always review lessons and prepare themselves for class beforehand. That is why they always learn faster than those unprepared students. 

4. Must end up the term with 100% percent class time - it's very basic and normal that great students always finish the job well in the end of the term. It's just because they never miss classes, due to being hungry to study, unlike those lazy students. 

5. Know your weaknesses and keep trying to improve them - every student has lots of weaknesses, even great students. What is the difference between a normal student and a great student is that a normal student always knows others' weaknesses better than his/her own weaknesses, and vice versa. 

6. Enjoy study time - students must enjoy the study time because enjoyment is one of the most powerful doors to excellent learning. 

7. Must have a daily study schedule - its schedule, as a teacher, always helps control your learning behavior. Everything works well if it's well-organized in advance.

8. Relax your brain - most great students don't put lots of pressure on themselves. They always spend time relaxing their brains.  Relaxing brain is a way of overcoming stress. 

9. Must be good at note-taking - great students always do it because no one can remember everything that your teacher lectures in class. That is the reason why note-taking is very much required. 

10. Must surround yourself with great classmates - great classmates always help you become a great student because you cannot be lazy when you surround yourself or are surrounded with them. You have to do what they do. This way is very helpful to you. Do it from now on. Ok?     

Thanks for reading



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