Home visit 2017

My home visit to Ranong, a small southern province with the least population of about 16,163, is always meaningful and special, despite its once-a-year home trip.

I, of course, used to feel a little bit jealous of those home trippers who enabled themselves to visit their homes many times a year. I've now deepened the understanding about the fact that only one home visit a year is enough -- if you make it special. 

As always, I regard my home trip as a yearly milestone, with the intention of not only visiting my parents and relatives but also visiting my former school, teachers and lovely neighbors. That is why my home visit is always special. 

Talking about my 3-day home trip, which just ended last week, it was a successful trip as I made it possible to visit the happiest places in just three days: my mother's new house, Tapotaram and Hadsompaem temples and Khaoniwet school. 

Day 1

On December 13, minutes after stepping out of the Bangkok-Ranong bus at the provincial bus station, I was warmly received by my mom, with a safe home ride given. 

I arrived home safely at about 6 o'clock in the morning. Then, my mom impressed me with a cup of hot tea and prepared breakfast for me after that. 

At noon, I invited my mom to visit Khaoniwet school, where I studied at for nearly 11 years, before ending up with a little act of kindness feeding students ice cream. 

Below are my favorite photos taken while students were lining up to get their ice cream for free.         

Day 2 

I spent most of the day catching up with my preceptor and monk teachers at Tapotaram temple, where I was ordained as a Buddhist novice almost 17 years ago. 

The temple is stunningly located near Ruksavarin Hot Spring, one of the must-visit tourist sites of Ranong, just three kilometers away from the town. 

After that, I took my remaining time to meet some of my much-respected adults living around the temple and talk to them in person about general real-life topics. It finally ended at nearly 19 pm. 

Day 3

After my morning routine, I hit the road to Hadsompaem temple to worship the most well-known Buddha's statues enshrined inside and outside the ordination hall, make merit by feeding fish, chant sacred texts in Pali in a fully decorated hall with a big Buddha image in meditating posture centered in its hall, and ask for blessings respectively.

While the sun was shining brightly into the temple entrance, I walked off the temple to pay a visit to my ex-primary school teachers, Khru Thaweesak and Khru Pangchan (the Thai term "Khru" means teacher). 

My teachers happily welcomed me with open arms after they had caught a glimpse of me walking through their front home gate. Sitting together on the bench in front of their home, they asked me about my working life, PhD study plan, future wife, salary, routine, etc. Sure, I answered all the questions they asked. 

Besides that, they kindly instructed me how to live a balanced life in line with the philosophy of self-sufficiency initiated by His Majesty the late King Bhumibol, who worked hardly throughout his 70-year reign to improve the welfare of Thai people from all walks of life. I truly appreciated their instructions.

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