25th anniversary of establishment of Srariang school

On September 29, 2018, Wat Srariang Secondary Buddhist School celebrated its 25th anniversary of the school establishment in the traditional Buddhist way by holding a morning merit-making ceremony to begin the special day. 

In the ceremony, monks were invited to chant mantras, give a sermon and blessings in Pali, and sprinkle holy water inside a temple hall full of much-respected participants and alumni. 

Another ceremony was about plaque-and-certificate presentation aimed at honoring those Buddhists who have supported temple affairs and alumni who have made contributions and commitments to the school. 

Chosen receivers, alumni included, were extremely happy to receive their plaques and certificates from deputy Nakhon Si Thammarat governor Khajonkiet Rakpanitmani.  The ceremony ended at nearly  16.00 pm.  

P.S. Traditional dances, knowledge-sharing exhibitions, activities and a seminar were also featured in this event.  

As one of the receivers, I would like to dedicate my prestigious certificate and plaque to my parents and everyone who has supported me in many ways. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude go out to my former Buddhist school and everyone involved for adding another milestone to my life. 

Below are the photos of the ceremony. Enjoy the photos!

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Wat Srariang Buddhist Secondary School in southern Nakhon Si Thammarat, I'm both pleased and honored to receive a plaque from deputy Nakhon Si Thammarat governor Khajonkiet Rakpanitmani. I'm indebted to the school management for having selected me as one of the plaque receivers. Also, I would like to extend my profound thanks and appreciation directly to my teachers, friends, seniors and juniors for giving me moral support. Photo by Khun Jetsada Suttiwara

Giving a set of robes and small memorial school books to Ven. Prayuth at Srariang temple.

Posing for a photo while receiving a plaque of honor inside the Srariang hall.

My former female teacher and seniors joining me for a photo.

Taking a photo with Srariang school founder Sangkhom Chairchaeng, my highly-revered one.  

With my loved master Chaiyasit. 

Having a photo taken with Phra Saroj Dhammasaro, who helped me become what I am today. 

With my ex-Srariang school teacher Manat.



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