Wrap-up (Unit 9 Getting things done)

บทที่ 9 โดยสรุปมี 4 ประเด็นหลักดังนี้

1. Professional services - งานบริการเชิงอาชีพ 
Practice asking and answering these questions by yourself.
1.1 Have you ever used the car wash service? 
1.2 Are these services available in your town?
1.3 What if these services are not available in your howntown? Does it affect your everyday life? Why 
1.4 What services you do use in your everyday life? 
1.5 Do you think these services will have been replaced by robots by 2030?

2. การใช้กริยา get/have ในรูป passive และ active 

get/have + sth + v.3 (Passive)

- I get my car fixed. I have my car fixed

get + sb + to-infintitive (Active) 

- I will get a tutor to improve my English skills.

have + sb+v.1 (Active)

- I will have a tutor improve my English skills.

3. Make suggestions เสนอแนะ มี 4 แบบ

3.1 Modals

Maybe you could + v.1....?

3.2 Gerunds 

Have you thought about + v.ing ......?
What about + v.ing......?

3.3 Negative question

Why don't you + v.1.....?

3.4 Infinitives 

It might be a good idea to + v.1?
One option is to + v.1? 

4. Phrasal verbs / verb phrases  = กริยาวลี

รูปแบบการสร้างกริยาวลี = verb + preposition / adverb
go + up =  go up...
go + down = go down... 
rely + on = rely on...
cut + down + on = cut down on...



ความแตกต่างระหว่าง maid และ housekeeper แบบย่อ

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