Mission accomplished

A short-term academic pilot project entitled “Empowering English with Len” came to an end yesterday.

Co-pioneered by Asst. Prof. Prapaisri Wisedsookpong and ESI program lecturers, myself included, the project was designed to help students build up their confidence in English speaking, with a number of topics centered on the students’ interests.

Throughout the one-month project, we were pleased and honored to work with US-born Len Burke as co-trainers. We all tried to make it fun and interesting. To get closer to students and to keep them active and focused, we limited the intake of students, only first 16 students chosen.

When in the classroom, they were given the topics of interest and were trained countless learning techniques to speak English fluently and confidently by training head Len Burke and his co-trainers.

As the project head, I would like to thank Asst. Prof. Prapaisri Wisedsookpong, Ajarn Len Burke, ESI program lecturers and staff for making it a big success.
I’m also thankful to Asst. Prof. Dr. Anamai Damnet, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, for presiding over the closing ceremony and conferring certificates to all students yesterday.

Finally, I would love to convey my thanks and moral support to the students who’ve completed the training. Without the collaboration of all parties, this project would not have been possible.

Below are some of the best photos taken yesterday inside the main conference room at the Department of Service Industry and Language Innovation, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University.

Huge congrats to all the receivers!



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