Second English Training Wrap-Up in Suphan Buri

On March 22, 2020, my research team and I hit the road to the community of Doem Bang Nang Buat in Suphan Buri to continue our English training program in a bid to improve local people's English skills. Since it was approved and funded by the Kasetsart University Research and Development Insitute in late 2019, our program has been running under the research topic of English Curriculum Development for Adult Learners in Doem Bang Nang Buat, Suphan Buri, with the objective of developing an English curriculum as a central guide to everyday English development for the sake of their community. 

Everyone, both old and young, joining the program is given a free portable handbook with five English lessons ranging from greeting, self introduction, introducing places to introducing food and products made by their community and additonal training materials developed based on their needs. They are taught by my research team members from Kasetsart University until the end of the program, and despite that, they are also encouraged to be in the mood for autonomous learning through the main electronic devices like phones and small computers with internet availability. 

As for the second week of training, which started on March 22, it gained a lot of attention from them as my team took native speakers to their community to help them speak English both in groups and pairs. They all were in a good mood while practicing English with their native speakers, and almost all of them even showed more confidence in speaking English. Mission accomplished! Let the following photos speak for themselves.     



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