Thesis Progress Report, MCU, Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok: Pictures with English explanations

Here is a selection of the best pictures from thesis progress report today at MCU, Wat Srisudaram, Bangkok, Thailand. I hope you will feel good after viewing these following pictures below, selected by Beboy Manyou. Here we go! 

Classroom Building at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, Thailand

I have a short thesis talk with my kind thesis adviser in the Office of Faculty of Humanities,

My fellow classmate is reporting his thesis progress to his thesis advisers, bezzie classmates, and everyone in the classroom.

They don't seem to feel bored while listening to their classmate's report on thesis progress.

After thesis progress report, my fellow classmate gives answers and clear explanations about thesis method to his adviser.

Dr. Veerakarn Kanokkamalade, a thesis adviser, is explaining about the forms of writing references to all my classmates seriously.



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