A short note of Thailand 4.0

The Thai government's initiative of Thailand 4.0 model places importance on how to get Thailand out of the long standing traps regarding middle income, inequality, and imbalance. To overcome these traps, the Govt has been trying to direct Thailand to a better, richer and brighter place by relying on what it calls "Engines of Growth" consisting of 1) Productive Growth Engine, 2) Inclusive Growth Engine and 3) Green Growth Engine. 
First, Productive Growth Engine is designed to make Thailand a high income country by the application of new technology, creation, knowledge and innovation. Second, Inclusive Growth Engine is aimed to offer people rights, income distribution, opportunities and stability. Third, Green Growth Engine is expected to build national stability, raise awareness of economic development and encourage to use eco-friendly technology & environmental resources.       

Resource: http://www.bangkokbanksme.com/article/5992



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