Holiday trip to Phetchabun 2019

Days ago, my close friends and I started off a short holiday trip to Phetchabun, an agricultural province with its richest tourism potential. When in Phetchabun, we visited many mountainous and forested tourist attractions in the district of Khao Kho such as Wat Prathat Phasornkaew, Khao Kho Memorial, Khao Kho Sacrificial Monument, Khao Kho Royal Palace, Weapon Museum, and Phu Thap Boek Mount. As it was time well spent, we enjoyed our stops at all the above mentioned spots, especially hill-shaped “Phu Thap Boek” where it always offers tourists year-round cool weather and is covered in cherry blossoms during the cool season, making it the best time for visitors to flock to witness its beauty. What a memorable trip! We look forward to visiting Phetchabun again. Here’re my solo photos of the holiday trip. #Phetchabun



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