English for Cargo Airline: Wrap-up (Units 14-15)
Unit 14
Inbound Logistics
Objectives: Learning about inbound logistics, describing a process
Subject-specific Vocabulary:
Inbound Logistics: check out, distribute, facility, inbound logistics, inventory, plant, receive, receiving area, staff, store, track down
Nouns/Phrases: accuracy, material, product, goods
Adverbs: first, then, next, atfer that, finally,
Adjectives: designated, physical, necessary
Verbs: strive, send, use
Language: Do you have any questions about...?, Would you mind ...?, It all begins when ...
What is inbound logistics?
Generally speaking, inbound logistics is about the transportation and storage of goods that are entering the warehouse. It has many resposiblities to take, especially the financial burden in these transportation contracts between a seller and buyer and the cost of any damage which occurs in transit at various points. It also needs to work through the supply chain management.
Please find more information here: https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/freight-forwarding/inbound-logistics-definition/
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Based on the textbook, inbound logistics focuses on 1) logistics processes or management of receiving and distributing goods or products inside the warehouse or company, 2) receiving materials including the receiving area preparation for materials to be stored and 3) distributing materials - materials need to be tracked down, checked out and distributed at last.
Excercise 1 Get ready! Textbook, p 30
Possible answers
1. What are steps in the materials receiving process?
It has serveral steps in the materials receiving process. First, raw materials arrive in the designated receiving area. Then they are taken in and processed as inventory. Next, employees or staff receive materials. After that, they confirm accuracy, making sure that the inventory lists and order information match the materials delivered. Finally, materials are organized and stored until they are needed by customers.
2. What are the steps in the materials distribution process?
The materials distribution process in a manufacturing facility involves several steps. First, warehouse staff receive information from plant managers or manufacturers about the raw materials that are needed for manufacturing. Then employees have to track down (ติดตาม) the needed materials. Next, the materials are then checked out and loaded onto the appropriate delivery vehicles. Finally, these vehicles like trucks, cars, trains and planes will distribute materials to the requested destinations.
Exercise 2, p 30
1. F (Bright Manufacturing uses inbound logistics processes.)
2. T
3. T
Excercise 3, p 30
1. D
2. F
3. A
4. E
5. C
6. B
Excercise 4, p 31
1. staff
2. receive
3. track down
4. facility
Excercise 6, p 31
1. F (The man has questions about inbound logistics.)
2. F (Raw materials are stored in a warehouse.)
3. T
Excercise 7, p 31
1. inbound logistics
2. process
3 receiving area
4. plant
5. separate facility
6. store
Excercise 9, p 31
Distribution Checklist:
Date request was received: March 4
Name of facility requesting materials: Robinson Plant
Was staff able to track down materials? Yes
Warehouse staff gathered materials. Forms were completed to check out materials. Inventory lists have been updated.
********End of unit 14 **********
Unit 15
Outbound Logistics
Objectives: Learning about outbound logistics, giving a reason
Subject-specific Vocabulary:
Inbound Logistics: authorize, credit card, deliver, document, objective, order processing, outbound logistics, ship, timely, verify
Nouns/Phrases: manner, customer, buyer, way, bank
Adverbs: still, closely, carefully, alrealy
Adjectives: unclear, careless, acceptable
Verbs/ Verb Phrases: ensure, make sure, allow, provide, produce
Language: I need to ask you about...? Okay, pack it up, but don't... It's because there's a problem with...
What is outbound logistics?
Outbound logistics is about the transportation and storage of finished goods or products. When needed, they are sent from the warehouse or company to the final buyer. To achieve this, it heavily relies on customer service and distribution channels. It also needs to work through the supply chain management (supply chain management: https://searcherp.techtarget.com/definition/supply-chain-management-SCM).
Based on the textbook, outbound logistics focuses on getting finished goods or products to customers through the delivery steps: 1) order processing, 2) pack-and-deliver process and 3) shipment process.
Please find more information here:
Videos related:
Excercise 1, p 32
Possible answers
1. What are some functions of outbound logistics?
There some main functions of outbound logistics. One of them is order processing. During this process, the order's customer need to be verified for accuracy. A credit card authorization to pay for the order must also be obtained.
Another function is packaging. The customer's order is packaged to prepare it for the shipment. Packed products are then shipped and delivered to the customer through the most appropriate channel of distribution (channels of distribution: https://freighthub.com/en/blog/modes-transportation-explained-best/ ).
2. What are some issues that may arise in outbound logistics?
One issue that may arise in outbound shipping is that a custome's credit card is not authorized for the purchase. This means that the company will not get paid for the products. Another issue occurs if products are not packaged correctly for shipping. Products may be delivered in a damaged condition, which will not make the customer happy.
Exercise 2, p 32
1. T
2. T
3. T
Exercise 3, p 32
1. Order processing
2. timely
3. document
4. credit card
5. delivering
Exercise 4, p 33
1. outbound logistics
2. verified
3. authorization
4. shipped
5. objective
Exercise 6, p 33
1. F (The man says the order hasn't been shipped yet.)
2. T
3. F (The woman is concerned about the shipment being paid for.)
Exercise 7, p 33
1. an order
2. ship
3. packing
4. timely manner
5. authorization
6. sending out
Exercise 9, p 33
Invoice # 2253
Customer's Name: MacGregor Garden Store
Order Checklist
Order accuracy verified: Yes, verified with customer on 3/14.
Credit card authorization: No, credit card purchase has not been authorized by a financial institution.
Order packed: Yes, verified with the warehouse manager on 3/15.
Order shipped: No, see notes below.
Order delivered: No, see notes below.
Notes: The order is packed and ready for shipping. However, the order will not be shipped until credit card authorization is secured.
*********End of unit 15 **********
Additional questions
1. What is the key diffference between inbound and outbound logistics?
2. What are other problems that are possible to arise in inbound and outbound logistics?
3. In your opinion, what does the future of inbound and outbound logistics look like?
4. How does new technology involve in inbound and outbound logistics? Can you explain it with a good example?
5. Why are companies aware of inbound and outbound logistics?
6. What have you learned from units 14-15?
1. What is the key diffference between inbound and outbound logistics?
2. What are other problems that are possible to arise in inbound and outbound logistics?
3. In your opinion, what does the future of inbound and outbound logistics look like?
4. How does new technology involve in inbound and outbound logistics? Can you explain it with a good example?
5. Why are companies aware of inbound and outbound logistics?
6. What have you learned from units 14-15?