First homework of Linguistics approach to English subject

My Dear Students,

I was very happy to see most of you on Saturday for our class in "Linguistics Approach to English" (LAE). But I was sad to hear so many students have withdrawn to enter the English MA program. I believe you will benefit very much for studying English using the tools of Linguistics.  I hope to see all of you next Saturday morning.

Your first HOMEWORK before our next class is to send me an email, with copies to everyone in the class whose email addresses I have, in which you write about your "secret" techniques and methods for learning English, what you can do on your own outside of class.  Be as specific and detailed as possible.  You can do this by responding to this email and including the addresses of everyone I have sent this message.  Remember to provide a greeting (such as "Dear Ajahn and students") and to sign your name at the end of the email message.  By "secret," I mean something that you have discovered is useful for you that you would like to share with other students.

In addition, please read as much as you can of the 1st chapter in Charles Meyer's book, Introducing English Linguistics.  Use the outline I gave you in class to guide your reading.  Underline words and sentences you do not understand and bring your questions to class for our discussion.

Beginning next week, we will begin each class with a "Check-in."  I would like each of you to takes several minutes to talk about something that you have done, or has happened to you, during the week.  This will give you practice to speak English by talking about your life.

On Tuesday in the U.S. people in my country will vote to elect the president.  The results will be known here sometime Wednesday morning.  You may learn more about the election by reading the Bangkok Post Learning section, an excellent source for information in English about news events with vocabulary and audio in Thai and English.  Go to:  Knowing English will open your minds to new ways of looking at the world.

I am very happy with all the electronic gadgets in our classroom.  But I would like to have a microphone on a long cord so we can pass it around the room when everyone is speaking and making presentations.  I hope it is possible to get a different microphone.

Part of your homework each week is reading the emails I send to you.  If you have trouble understanding me, please ask your fellow students to help.

Have a good week.

With metta,

Dr. William



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