Words for using in US presidential election

  • 1. electoral college NOUN
  • 2. electoral register NOUN
  • 3. electoral roll NOUN at electoral register
  • 4. the Electoral College
  • 5. president 
  • 6. presidency
  • 7. presidential election
  • 8. electoral votes
  • 9.  polls
  • 10. Legal challenges
  • 11. early voting
  • 12. Republican election officials
  • 13. any polling place
  • 14. surrounding areas
  • 15. campaigning day
  • 16. 74 electoral votes needed for Democrat win
  • 17. Any dissatisfaction with
  • 18. hard to forecast,
  • 19. One day before the US goes to the polls, the candidates are on a final sprint of battlegrounds.
  • 20. Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney make closing arguments to voters.

  • Who will win the race to be president? In the presidential election each state is worth a number of votes, based on its population, and if the race is close it could come down to a single state. The winner is the candidate who secures 270 votes or more. The bar below shows the votes that are considered safe for each candidate and, in the middle, the battleground states that could be won by either side. Explore what might happen in the election and compare your prediction with those of the experts
  • The BBC will be providing full online live results of the US presidential election on 6 November. More details here



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