Summary of Assignments in the class of Methods of Effective English Teaching

Made by
Phra Thaweesak Thannawaro (Chanpradit)
M.A. (English) ID student: 5501403950

Present to
This report is part of Methods of Effective English Teaching subject
Term 1 Year of education 2012

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Bangkok province

This report is concerned with the methods of Effective English Teaching. Which I collected all of my worksheets in this report such as English translation, assignments, interesting vocabularies and definitions of these words, etc.
It can be divided into three parts of this report which it’s related with the methods of Effective English Teaching subject. In part one of this report will be focused on the significant terms and English translations. The part two is taking note from learning in the class both personal and group and the last part is part three which it’s concerned with novel or story presentation and novel summary. All is my assignments in the class of Methods of Effective English Teaching.
In conclusion, I hope that this report will be useful for student and who interested in English. Which reader can pick up something you interested in this report for sharing knowledge to others, I am really great to collect this report for giving reader or interested person gain a good knowledge and pick them to use in daily life.

Phra Thaweesak Chanpardit (Thannawaro)

Table of contents
Three Parts of homework                                                                          Page
Part 1: vocabulary (week 1- week 15)
Part 2: Taking note from learning in the class (Week 1- week 15)
-          Personal work
-          Group work
Part 3:  Dracula summary (Group work)



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