Key Words I (Effective Communication)

Key Words I 
( Resource: Effective Communication 17/1/2007 4:35 PM PP 15-32)

Key Words

1. Coding involves sender's words, voice and gestures. 
For example, communication is an act of the coding and decoding of the message between the sender and receiver.

2. Decoding involves receiver's ears, eyes and vocabulary. Decoding of the message is done by when the receiver understands or perceives the message sent by the sender.

3. Error means a poor message sent by a sender is not understood by a receiver due to unclear idea in the sender's mind, unclear or inaccurate expression, noise, distraction, improper choice of communication channel, status and roles of both parties. 

4. Noise involves kind of things that distract a sender while giving a receiver a message.

5. Medium is a communication channel that helps a sender send a message to a receiver effectively like phone, face-to-face conversation, television, radio and so on.

6. Perception involves a range of thought processes, including assumptions and subconscious attitudes that are often invisible and subconscious.  

7. Culture is a range of cultural differences, especially greeting, gestures and personal space that often result in barriers to effective communication.

8. Stereotyping is about making assumptions about what something or someone is like without knowing it before.

9. Feedback is about reactions from the receiver both verbally and nonverbally after the sender's message is sent, telling the sender how much the receiver understands his/her message. 



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