Key Words

If you are a learner of English, you may need to pick up your small notebook and pen to write down all the following key words related to English language learning. These following words are from my short summary from Education and Linguistics Research (ISSN 2377-1356 2015, Vol.1, No.2). Let's keep sharing it with all of your friends.  

Key words

Errors stem from the lack of complete learning and linguistic competency of the learners and errors cannot be self-corrected.

Mistakes are the results of poor language learning performance due to many factors like fatigue and carelessness on the part of learners etc. 

Language transfer refers to someone applying knowledge from his/her own native language to his/her second language. 

Overgeneralization refers to the extending use of certain forms to an appropriate context by analogy (a comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea)

Simplification refers to the situation when learners avoid the use of the complex structure and prefers to use the very simple structure instead.  

Fossilization refers to when the linguistic or grammatical development in certain areas is stopped, but the learner still keeps developing his/her knowledge. It is also from the cause of learner's errors.

Lack of the knowledge of the rules is considered as one of the major reasons of learners' errors.

Addition refers to the addition of any grammatical item.

Omission occurs when the linguistic item that is required in the sentence is omitted. e.g. He go to school. Correct sentence: he goes to school.  The morpheme "-es" is omitted. 

Thanks for your blog participation 



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