Language tip of the week: behaviour | Macmillan

 In this weekly post we bring more useful content from the Macmillan Dictionary to English language learners These tips are based on areas of English e g spelling grammar collocation synonyms etc which learners often find difficult Here is some advice about using the noun behaviour Behaviour is usually an uncountable noun so it is rarely used in the plural ✗ Parents should be able to prevent their children’s crimes or bad behaviours ✓ Parents should be able to prevent their children’s crimes or bad behaviour ✗ The media often encourage violence and aggressive behaviours ✓ The media often encourage violence and aggressive behaviour The plural form ‘behaviours’ is a specialized term used in fields such as psychology social science and education This use is much less common than the uncountable use In this chapter we discuss strategies for dealing with the problem behaviours of young children More language tips Browse the list under the ‘language tips‘ tag here on the blog for more useful language tips Would you like to improve your vocabulary Follow our daily tweets @RedEnglishWords or visit our Learn English Facebook Page.



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