Shadow play in the south of Thailand

      Shadow theater is that the movie cut from animal skins and sheep formed the character of the story will be different. Then the puppet on the screen by the use of light and shadows on the film, which is a shadow play, folk culture of the South has along history and is widely popular, and the successor to the present day.

      What the Academy dictionary (2542, 1244) noted that Shadow theater is one that I carved a small image. Wood clamp with a single liver. The manipulation in the light shines through the shadows to appear on a movie screen with the white front of the camera and gong music. The puppet will act as the narrator.

      Mr. Poe said Tanith is a shadow of that. Is the name of the local folk theater in the  ancient one. It is known Nang Yai shadow play later. The film was a small one. The addition of the term differently. If this interpretation is that the shadow.Likely to occur after the central Nang. However, when considering the findings of the study consisted of academics and others that can not be regarded as conclusive that happens before or after the Nang Yai shadow play. This is because the word “shadow” is a term referred to a later time.In the past the South to play a movie or maybe a movie called Kuan.

       The shadow of the ancient art of shadow play, which indicates that this is likely to have originated in this region is: Mechanics. Then spread to other provinces in the south by HRH Krom Phraya as the King image He noted that one of their Kuan (I): Mechanics Phrao Road emulate a film distribution (Java) What is the first Thai. It spread to other counties in the movie called The White Wireless Kuan Chao F D (Bunnag century) brought to Bangkok. Was present at the Bang Pa-in player is the first year of the Rat 2419.

      Wiboon Lee Gold (2525) has shown that football is a shadow play, Thai is derived from the Javanese shadow play is the play of Java before the 11th century and then spread into the corona and the region. South of Thailand. The Malay called Letters to cook (yes, that also Thailand Little Tokyo) that was a cook or a dummy tablet that bark or leather, the leather And one that to Thailand or Java is not that unusual a shape different from the ordinary. Because I did not create the Javanese people is respected. The movie was made to make it look different from ordinary people. This is the only Thai film in the comedy.

      Perceived by many scholars to conclude that you have.Shadow play, a traditional south with a history dating back to the very long time. Although most educators do not clarify the cause of my shadow. And when that However, scholars agree that the traditional shadow play is one of the oldest and most popular games in the South, from past to present.

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