The FOUR noble truths

The four noble truths
The four noble truths are suffering, cause of suffering, cessation of suffering and the path leading to the cessation of suffering.
The lord Buddha said “ Life is suffering” as the following
-         Birth is suffering
-         Decay is suffering
-         Sickness is suffering
-         Death is suffering
-         Lamentation, sorrow, sadness, and rancor, these are suffering.
-         Being with those we dislike, being apart from those we love, not getting what we want, All kinds of problems and disappointment that are unavoidable.
Our life consist of the five groups of existence namely form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. And the life is related with three characteristics as the following:
-         All Sangkhanras  are impermanent and suffering and all arises are non-self
-         The form or visible object is impermanent
-         The feeling is impermanent
-         The perception is impermanent
-         The mental formation is impermanent
-         The consciousness is impermanent

All these things are impermanent and suffering and All impermanent things are suffering and it’s changing all the time so no can can’t tell that This is our life , this is ourselves  because everything is impermanent.
So we should consider that :
We must have decay, no one can avoid from decay.
We must have sick, no one can avoid from sickness
We must die, no one can avoid from death.
Loosing something in life:
We must loosing something we love or being apart from those we love.
We have self’s Kamma both the good action and the bad action. However, we will get a result of Kamma as we do.

Translator : Phra Thaweesak Thannavaro
No. 14 , MA Linguistics , MCU



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